Thursday, August 4, 2022

Refugees Found a Rural Area



                    Today I had an afternoon dentist's appointment a distance away in a neighboring rural county.  I hate going to the dentist. Between braces, dental work, wisdom tooth extractions, I can honestly say that some of my worst experiences as a young person occurred in the dentist's chair. As much as I know that many, many advances in materials, technique and comfort have occurred in my lifetime, I probably have some degree of post traumatic stress when it comes to the dentist.  I once had a root canal where the dentist accidentally entered my sinus above my palate while drilling. I don't seem to forget those things.  I have done a good job making sure that my children and my grands don't fear the dentist, and get everything they need done.

                          My dental appointment today was a long one, and it was very hot.   The only thing that kept me sane during the drilling was thinking that I might go to a little grocery store nearby and pick up some watermelon, some berries and some ice cream. I tried my best to transport my mind to the store as she drilled.  During the visit, I had some unexpected discomfort and so she gave additional Novocaine. My tongue, chin and lips are still pretty numb.

                           By the time I got out of the dentist's office, a thunderstorm was clearly coming, and it didn't look like my trip to the nearby grocery was going to be nearly as pleasant as I had imagined.  I was very numb. It didn't matter, I thought, as the dentist has us wear a mask on coming and going. Normally, I throw the mask away when I get to the car, but this time, I think I might keep it for the store. I don't want anyone to see me drooling and as numb as I am, I might.

                          On the way to to store, I went through a drive-through and got a tall drink. I was absolutely amazed to see that I couldn't purse my lips around the straw enough to drink.  Finally, I looked in the rear view mirror and coordinated some sips. Then I drove to the store.   Between the store and a pharmacy there is a shady grassy area with a number of people sitting there.  It was 95 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. Why are these people sitting in the shade ? I wondered.  As I drove past, I saw they had signs.  They turned out to be a family who are here illegally and are panhandling.  They had precious young children and they looked as if they might be from one of the countries in South America.  I noticed that the people in this small rural place were doing their best to ignore them.  I can't fathom how someone would leave their own country with very young children not knowing where they might go.  I would venture to guess that in this small Southern conservative town that most people go to church. Most people here would help puppies left in a box under the shady trees. However, this is a difficult time.  Gasoline is so expensive now that the man in front of me who had some kind of a card that allowed him to pump gas without paying in advance like I do, drove off without paying today.  Jobs are not plentiful in rural areas. Lots of businesses have closed. The solar installation people went out of business, and many of the restaurants are gone now for good. People can't afford to pay for the things they need, and they certainly can't pay to arrange for a place for an illegal alien family to stay in a hotel. People in this town don't want to pay for their welfare or WIC when lots of people who need welfare or Medicaid can't get it.  As the COVID emergency ends, many people have been kicked off Medicaid in our state.

                        And yet, my heart hurts as I decide I don't feel like going shopping .  I decided to head for home before the storm hits.  Perhaps I couldn't stand to take ice cream and berries home to my family when I wanted to buy gatorade for the family sitting under the trees.  I don't think the children will dehydrate and die there.  There are three rural churches that will do something for these people.  The employees at the small Goodwill will also do something.  But again, we can't keep doing this.  We do not have the reserves that our present federal government seems to think we do. People shouldn't make grueling trips with young children when they have no idea where they are going, and they have no money.

                        As I drove home I wondered what memories the young children would keep from sitting in the grass on a hot day with their large family.  What kind of citizens will they become if they remain in the US ?   Should children believe that no one cares as they sit as refugees on the edge of a strip mall ?  If I were to be honest,  I don't have easy answers other than our own government should be preventing the entry of people who could well die on the journey. I am no better than anyone, as I did nothing but get myself home.

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